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New location: contractor Held & Francke opens in Kettlasbrunn

New location: contractor Held & Francke opens in Kettlasbrunn

In March this year, the last construction phase of the new site was completed, complete with a warehouse and outbuildings. Held & Francke is now opening the doors of its new premises, creating a sustainable, modern and attractive workplace in the region.

KETTLAS FOUNTAIN. A well-equipped office building with 20 workplaces, a company-owned workers’ quarters with 35 beds, and a new warehouse including outbuildings totaling over 1,500 square metres, recently decorated on the property of over five hectares on Städtnerstraße, which was formerly site for the Zayataler asphalt mixing plant and was purchased by Held & Francke in 2017. Office buildings, space and storage having been divided between different locations since 2003, were now to be grouped into a central branch – Held & Francke invested €4.3 million in the new area for this purpose.

The project, most of which was done ‘in-house’, will be presented as part of the opening ceremony. In addition to managing the collection, important customers, partner companies and employees, Mayor of Mistelbach, Eric Steubenvoll, can also be welcomed as a guest. He hailed the new site in advance as a very important enrichment and impetus for the region.
“We are very pleased that the implementation of the new site was carried out so quickly,” says Johan Knoll, Technical Director of Held & Francke Baugesellschaft mbH. particularly in the regions of Mistelbach, Gänserndorf, Korneuburg and Hollabrunn, as far north as Vienna.

sustainable investment

The theme of sustainability and environmentally friendly use of resources played an important role in the implementation of the project. The building is cooled by energizing the concrete part, and heating is via an air heat pump, which in turn is fed by a photovoltaic system.
“On sunny days, 100% of their company requirements can be met,” says Andreas Czech, group manager of the civil engineering department at the Kettlasbrunn site, who of course is also proud of the new, modern site.

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