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New NASA data: This is what 5,000 exoplanets in space look like

New NASA data: This is what 5,000 exoplanets in space look like

kmpkt cosmic sound worlds

5,000 exoplanets in space look really cool

New NASA data: This is what 5,000 exoplanets in space look like New NASA data: This is what 5,000 exoplanets in space look like

This illustration from the Hubble Space Telescope shows how common exoplanets are in the Milky Way.

Source: ESO / M. Grain knife

We are not alone in the universe – at least when it comes to the number of other solar systems, galaxies, and planets. Only astronomers can guess the number. According to NASA, one thing is for sure: there seem to be billions.

eThe US space agency announced that R was a “cosmic landmark” UnavailableSA: The existence of 5,000 exoplanets has been officially confirmed, which are located in the previously discovered solar systems within the Milky Way. The term exoplanet describes all planets that do not revolve around our sun but revolve around other stars.

5000 – It seems difficult to imagine the sheer number of exoplanets alone for us humans on Earth. That’s why NASA created something special to celebrate that several exoplanets have already been discovered. Through an audio installation, Canadian musicians Andrew Santaguida and Matt Russo from Toronto successfully transform the appearance of exoplanets into sounds. As the basis for their cosmic soundscape, the musicians used data from Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA, where all data on exoplanets discovered so far is stored.

This is what 5,000 exoplanets looked like at the time of their discovery:

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The world of sound produced mentions few experimental electronic sounds. It is intended to represent the discovery of each individual planet and its main star. A tune is played for each newly discovered world representing an exoplanet, gradually creating a melody.

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According to NASA information, the tone of the note indicates the relative orbital period of the planet around the stars of its home, equivalent to our sun. Planets that take longer to orbit their stars produce lower tones. While planets orbiting their stars shorter correspond to a higher tone. For the audiovisual representation of the exoplanets in the Milky Way, the musicians used evaluation data from telescope recordings and various computational models from astronomers.

The video posted by the space agency on YouTube depicts these relationships:

Exoplanets discovered since 1991 appear in the time interval as a circle in their positions in the sky. The size of the circle indicates the relative size of the planet’s orbit. The color in question, in turn, shows the method used to discover the celestial body – for example, which telescope or data model was used.

Illustration of an exoplanet in space by NASA

Researchers can only guess what planets in distant solar systems look like using telescope data

Source: NASA / JPL

This not only sounds crazy, but leaves a lasting impression on many people. In the online discussion portal “reddit”, users philosophize at once subreddit On endless expanses of space. The desire to see the outer planets with your own eyes appears again and again. Extraterrestrial life is also discussed: “I am waiting for the day NASA finds aliens or we find out that we are aliens,” writes a user by the name of “rachasiddhu.”

Only on March 21, 2022, 65 new exoplanets were discovered. More than 5,000 planets have been found so far. They include small and rocky worlds similar in structure to Earth, gas giants much larger than Jupiter, and “mini Neptunes,” as astronomers call the smaller versions of Neptune in our solar system designated in exotic star systems.

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Even if 5,000 seems like a lot, researchers believe that our galaxy alone may be home to hundreds of billions of these planets. So there is still a lot to discover.

Whether there is extraterrestrial life somewhere on one of these exoplanets is up to many astronomers to brainstorm:

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