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New special exhibition at Haus der Musik: moving music in an innovative and interactive way

New special exhibition at Haus der Musik: moving music in an innovative and interactive way

The House of Music, one of the Vienna Museum Holding, is a place for lively discussion that playfully opens up new approaches to music. The goal is to convey understanding, openness and enthusiasm when dealing with music. Haus der Musik shares this claim with drummer Martin Grubinger, who has developed an app called MyGroove that aims to make just that possible.

“The idea was clear to develop an app that was a practice room, studio and music class all in one, and had a fun style – like a game with different levels. In this way, MyGroove combines three things: first, users learn the song, and second, they have fun making music with superstars.” And thirdly, as if on the side, they practice playing it correctly,” says Martin Grubinger. “What can we expect from the development of this app? Nothing less than a global boost: positive communication of the elixir of life, music!” Follow Martin Grubinger.

Developed on the initiative of Martin Grubinger, the world-famous drummer and multi-percussionist wants to spread the joy of making music digitally through his app MyGroove. With the MyGroove app, you can play with musicians on your own instrument in band format.

“The House of Music is always happy to support innovative projects with lasting benefits, especially when interaction with music is encouraged and the joy of making music is conveyed, such as the MyGroove app,” says Simon Bush, Managing Director of Music at Haus.

Learning tools with artificial intelligence

The six most important musical instruments can be played with MyGroove: voice, keys, guitar, bass, drums, and percussion. All users need to start with the first level which is their own instrument or voice. The artists explain each song step by step, rehearse it together and then play it with the whole band. Artificial intelligence provides feedback and points can be collected to compete with the MyGroove community.

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Not only active musicians, but also music-loving beginners can start from their individual skill level. The app can now also be experienced at Haus der Musik in the MyGroove Booth, which has been developed specifically for the app and is fully equipped with tools for visitors. MyGroove is already recording its first successes in a school in Burgenland with its scope-focused methodology. The state provided musical instruments for all participating children, and MyGroove provided the content necessary to learn and play the instruments.

As part of the “MyGroove Booth” exhibition, visitors now have the opportunity to experience this unique attraction at Haus der Musik until October 9, 2023.

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