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New tool simplifies sideloading Android apps on Windows 11

New tool simplifies sideloading Android apps on Windows 11

Microsoft works for Windows 11 Known for his participation in Takamul Android apps on the desktop. There is now a new third-party preview tool that makes it easier to install Android apps.

The so-called Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) is an important part of the new operating system Windows 11. The feature is not yet fully operational and is still in the testing phase. However, the apps can only be downloaded from the Amazon App Store and there too, the selection of compatible apps is limited. Accordingly, some resourceful developers have already set out to bring more application resources to the PC.

Not yet reported Online Store WindowsLatestThis is with a new single “WSA PacMan” open source tool Which installs additional Android apps in just a few clicks – without having to use a command line tool. With a new app called “WSA Walkman‘, available on Github, Android apps can be installed without opening a command prompt or system settings.

Third Party Providers Intervene

As the name suggests, it is an open source third-party package manager specially designed for the Windows sub-system of Android. It works as a graphical user interface and performs all necessary commands in the background to install Android apps. It is also based on the standard port so you don’t have to make any changes to the application or the WSA yourself.

Windows 11 Android Subsystem

For WSA PacMan, you only need a PC with Windows 11 and a supported Linux subsystem. The Android subsystem must already be installed or activated and the debug option must be turned on. Otherwise, the package manager will not be able to install any applications (standard port 58526 for debugging). The new tool is a practical help. We haven’t tested it ourselves yet, but we will.

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Have you already run experiments with the WSA PacMan?

You can find an alternative, the already known WSATools for the Android subsystem, in our WinFuture download area:

WSATools: an installer for the Android subsystem

See also:

Android, App Store, Microsoft Store, Windows Store, Windows Logo, Bugdroid, Android App Store, Windows 11 App Store
Android, App Store, Microsoft Store, Windows Store, Windows Logo, Bugdroid, Android App Store, Windows 11 App Store