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New update on WhatsApp: These messages are now automatically deleted as well

New update on WhatsApp: These messages are now automatically deleted as well

The popular WhatsApp feature is being expanded further. Certain messages can now also be sent as self-deleting messages.

WhatsApp is introducing a new function for more privacy when chatting in the next few days. The messaging service announced Thursday in one Blog post It announces that in the future users will be able to send audio messages that delete themselves after listening to them once.

WhatsApp therefore relies on the “single viewing” function of photos and videos, which has been around since 2021. Audio messages are also marked with the corresponding icon so that the recipient knows that he can only listen to them once.

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You should keep this in mind though as the new functionality on WhatsApp is gone

Voice messages can also disappear shortly after you listen to them once on WhatsApp.

Photo: Pond5/Imago

According to WhatsApp, the function is suitable for planning surprises or transferring sensitive data such as credit card information via voice messages.

However, The Messenger service itself indicates thisThis media may also be stored on WhatsApp servers for one-time viewing for a few weeks after sending, for example, in order to be able to enforce the message reporting function.

Recipients can also create copies of voice memos themselves, just as they can with one-time photos and videos, for example if the recipient has a voice recorder running.

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