New World players had to wait a long time to enter server transfers for characters so they could finally play with their friends. The service is now immediately deactivated due to serious errors.
The release and first few weeks of New World should be considered a huge hit for Amazon Games. Up to 7 00,000 players wanted to be on Aeternum at the same time, which resulted in a lot of new servers popping up. As a result, many players were unable to start with their friends on one server. Amazon calmed the mind by announcing its free server transfers, which were officially introduced a few days ago.
How important this feature is can be seen by the number of 150,000 characters who have already used the service, according to Amazon. However, some ugly bugs popped up during server transfers. The most dangerous thing is the fact that you can increase your gold in the course of changing the server – the so-called “gold trick”. The exact procedure for deliberately causing this error quickly spread on forums and social networks.
Obviously, the error can’t be fixed that easily, which is why Amazon pulled the emergency brake and completely deactivated server transfers. So if you haven’t used the free transfer yet, be patient now.
New World: Server Transfers Stopped – Due to a Fatal Error (2)
Source: Amazon Games
In the worst case, a rollback is imminent
When the Character Service is reactivated, Amazon can’t or doesn’t want to disclose it yet. However, what they have announced is the fact that they have collected a lot of data about this and want to use all their power against the scalper. This at least gives hope that the “worst case” can be avoided. Because if they did not have detailed data on all the incidents, there were only two options: let the exploiter get away with his cheated gold or return the entire server to an earlier point in time. But that in turn would steal some of the progress that has been made in the meantime from hundreds of thousands of players – so it would only be an absolute last resort.
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