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New Year’s greetings from Tonkünstler on ORF

New Year’s greetings from Tonkünstler on ORF

It’s a decades-old tradition in Lower Austria: the New Year’s concert by the Tonkünstler Philharmonic, which has been run by Alfred Eshoe for over 20 years and which makes the tours from concert hall to concert hall in Lower Austria for the first few days of the year.

Frank Druschel, Managing Director at Tonkünstler, expressed optimism that the concert could be played in front of an audience this year because the lively atmosphere inspires the orchestra as well. But he maintains that recording and broadcasting New Year’s greetings in 2021 also achieved very good results via television and the Internet.


New Year’s Musical Greetings from the Tonkünstler Orchestra can be watched all over Austria on Sunday 9 January 2022 at 11:05 am on ORF 2

The New Year’s concert of the Tonkünstler Orchestra can be listened to on Radio Niederösterreich on Thursday, January 6, at 8:04 pm.

Regarding the television broadcast of New Year’s greetings, ORF Niederösterreich Regional Director Norbert Gollinger referred to the media projects planned for the coming year: “Next year, ORF Niederösterreich will devote great emphasis in reporting to the celebrations, 100 Years of Lower Austria.” Triple reports of festivities are planned in all counties, as well as broadcasts of the concert from the Palais Niederösterreich in the fall. The Tonkünstler Orchestra in Lower Austria is an important musical ambassador for the state and the New Year’s Concert is a worthy introduction to the anniversary. By registering, we are allowing the public to participate in this special cultural event.”

Designated Country Director Robert Ziegler adds: “It is with great pleasure that ORF NÖ begins 2022 with a high-quality, popular cultural production with Tonkünstler. In our best collaboration with ORF 2, we are setting an optimistic, future-oriented tone at the start of our federal state’s centenary.”

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Presented “Festmarsch – 100 Years Lower Austria”

The conductor of the orchestra, Alfred Aishoy, has been at the Vienna Volksoper since 1989, where he was responsible for the entire opera and operetta ensemble. On December 28, 1998, he stood on the stage of the Tonkünstler Orchestra for the first time at the New Year’s Eve concert. For the New Year’s Eve party, Eschwé has selected famous, popular and relational melodies, songs and orchestras: a preface to the operetta “Leichte Kavallerie” by Franz von Suppè will open. The work of Franz Lehar, Georges Bizet and Johann Strauss will also be heard.

German soprano Caroline Melzer will perform the premiere and the premiere will be “Festmarsch – 100 Jahre Niederösterreich” by Leopold Paterre, commissioned by the orchestra especially for the anniversary of the Federal State. Director Karina Fiebsch captures the best TV images of the New Year’s party at the Festspielhaus in St. Pölten, and the party is moderated by ORF Lower Austria Editor-in-Chief Benedikt Fuchs.