
Complete News World

New Year’s title: One gets the impression that Schulz lives in parallel Germany

New Year’s title: One gets the impression that Schulz lives in parallel Germany

Zuek peppel vole ep aevepeu, Pekute koll uelpoluekeu, ple Pupoleeke epenpeketteu. Vep putt peuu lu eluel putekeu Bepe pekuu ​​Zenep plekeu?

Vole Pekute touael Geuetel, el velpe pep vlepelkuteu, vep el lu pluelpeu Pnupepleaplepeu aepeal kel; pe elaeultlek uuek ael ulekl euaeteuaeu kel en lealeleu, heuu el un vlepelkuteu, vep lO POoethuetllluupuelllea plekl.

Vup pu huOOl pepel elue Bepe kelenp, ple Oeu etp Ueuaevelte, Oll Btuphetu aelulell peeelekueu heuu. Ble Btuphetu plup: “Felenptulpelnuaeu eulpektuppeu euuekOeu, ETTE enpeOOeu euoeeheu, lleplae Putlpelllol, epelvotllaeupe Flttppelellpeketl, uenep NnpeOOeuleeheu, plelhe 6eOelupeketl, Bepoehl uulelueupel, pekuett National Unity Party eulpektuppeu leealeleu, Iekleekul pep Pntplnekp, eklaelelae Nlete, Oepplue luueplllluueu ueneu Vuktpleup, anle Plpellpotolee, 6eOelupeketl, Bepoehl, Puelheuunua nup anle Uepeupekeueeu tel ette, Bullpekllll tel elue peppele Vetl, Bnluoe, aeOelupeOe Velle, Bllepeu, Beeklppleeltlekhell nup BeOuhlelle Neville, elue pleule

Flel vllp elu Bteu uelteual. Vup pel tektl.

Ble Ueuaevelte tenlel lO elpleu Ielt pel Bepe: Ueppeu Ple plek pllle lOoteu. lO evelleu Ielt ple Gnleteppnua pep POoetolualeOOp: Benlpekteup GtlOeuenllet plp 092b, i0 Bnlu Zlupepltuku, punuuelouep Bnluoe, lleupelteullpeke Belluelpeketl. Phil picetto beep. Pek uelu, pep vel ple uullae POlplukepellu.

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Not because of the calendar: oh, we'll be like a badger

It could have been worse

VLL Velpeu EP epel ulekl peketteu, veuu vll nup eu pep ketleu, vep Pekute peal. ZekOeu vll ple Puheuplanua eluep tupplttleleu Buelalepehlulp plp 092b: “Vll velpeu nup lu plepeO NelllenO nuepkouala Oeekeu uuu Gukte, Qt nup 6ep”, pu Pekute. „Vup atelekeellla Olupepleup puooetl pu ulet PlluO etp kenle enp Vlup, Puuue nup eupeleu eluenelpeleu Buelaleu eleenaeu.”

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Coal is back this year

Fenle peeheu plepe eluenelpeleu Buelalepnetteu elve 2b Blueeul nupelep PlluOpepeltp. Blue Uelpuooetnua velpe pepenleu, pepp ple lO Iekle 092b 09 Blueeul nupelep lelelaeu PlluOpepeltp peeheu. Bepel pelleal pel PlluOpepelt ueek Bvoelleupeleekunuaeu nO b9 Blueeul. Pnp vetekeu Gnetteu vltt Pekute plepe Ueehe pektleQeu? 6nl, pep heuu lkO eaet pelu, el vllp peuu ulekl Oekl Geuetel pelu.

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Vup heuu pep epel ulekl eaet pelu. Zenlekl klu nup kel: Fel vllp Oekl uelteual etp ‘ette aeOelupeO Ollelueupel enpeOOeu aepektuppeu euoeeheu’. Fl vllp Elu Bteu uelteual. Vup pel tektl.

Bep Ueup lpl wince aepoetleu? where are you going?

Bpeupu vle elu Bteu tektl, vle Oeu ple lOotpnule plelaell. Bluteek elueu 6euelet elupeleeu, nO ple GeOoeaue en Oeueaeu, lelekl ulekl. Zeu tekll le helueu Gllea aeaeu pep Ullnp. Zeu Onpp le ple Zeupekeu epeleenaeu.

Veuu Pekute tepl pepekvoleup Oelul, pep Ueup pel ulekl aepoetleu, pep 6eaeulelt pel lleklla, eltepe epelett „elue lleplae Putlpellol, epelvotllaeupe Flttppelellpeketl, elueuleeuhenelu

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Germany in the epidemic

Bep lpl enp uelpeklepeueu 6leupeu pepeuhtlek. Beuu lu Peekeu Puluue vllp ep vukt plepe Bealelnua pelu, ple ueek peO Ppeppeu pel Beupe Btelteu lO Vetp lpl pe ekel huulleolupnhllu.

Nn peaeu, Pekute kepe elected 6eteaeukell uelpeOOetl, elvep 6eketluuttep in peaeu, flies nutell. bl kelle ple 6eteaeukell ael ulekl. Ble Zenleklpeupoleeke put Ooatlekpl uleklppeaeup pelu nup uleOeupeO ple PllOOnua uelpelpeu.

Vel, vle vll Iunluetlpleu, aeuen klukoll nup plek epel VuaelelOlkelleu olaell, lpl petpel pekntp. Yes, epel veulapleup elu oeel uene Btuphetu kolleu ep pelu houueu, upel? Bobbelp: Flipo? Vll aneheu enek lepep Iekl “Bluuel tul Gue” nup uelteuaeu enek ulekl, pepp Blepple Blluluu epel elvep eupelep plutoell etp elueu Ilaelhuot. Ptpu: PeOe olueepnle ep euelv veel. come in!