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NFT-Kunst ranked first in the “Power 100” technical ranking

NFT-Kunst ranked first in the “Power 100” technical ranking

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) At the top of this year’s world art ranking “100 . strengthPublished annually by the British reviewThe published list includes the 100 most influential figures and movements in contemporary art, according to an anonymous jury.

NFT (in German “non-replaceable token”) is a protected file based on blockchain technology. This means that the unique token is tied to the factory and secured by the blockchain. As a purchaser of this art, you have a Certificate of Authenticity of the file and therefore the original. The jury named the project created a few years ago as an example of NFT artwork Cryptobanks, where interested parties can purchase unique digitally generated 2D images.

Nyan-Cat, for example, can be seen as a GIF in the arrangement. A GIF of this phenomenon was sold on the Internet at auction this year for 483,000 euros. The buyer paid 300 Ether as 300 units of the cryptocurrency Ethereum.

Nyan Cat’s GIF sold as NFT on Ethereum

Additional Marketing for Art

While it remains unclear if NFT is a short-term hype or if it will establish itself in the art world, a number of museums, artists and galleries have dealt with the topic in the past 12 months, according to the jury. For works like that of a digital artist Pebble Great prices were obtained. In addition, digital asset protection represents an alternative to traditional marketing channels for artists.

Austrian artists increasingly rely on NFTs: there are both Artistswho have successfully sold NFTs for their business as well as creators who Create unique pieces And for those who love this new form of marketing and distribution Want to make an income.

Climate change as an issue

The American anthropologist ranked second Anna L Tsingwho was honored for his work at the interface of art and science in the face of environmental catastrophe. Through her representations – including from a mushroom’s point of view – she creates space for new perspectives.

The jury’s criterion is that the movements and personalities of the past twelve months have effectively influenced how contemporary art is created. Artists who have tackled the themes of climate change and racism or discrimination have been represented several times on the list. Last year, the Black Lives Matter movement ranked first on the list.

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