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Nicola Mining has signed a purchase agreement for gold and silver concentrate with Ocean Partners Holdings

Nicola Mining has signed a purchase agreement for gold and silver concentrate with Ocean Partners Holdings

Vancouver, British Columbia – (April 30, 2021) – Nicola Mining Inc. (TSXV: NIM) (FWB: MM) (das „Companies or „NicolasAnnounces the merger of the company with Ocean Partners UK Limited1 (“Ocean Partners”), which is the Berg CompanyConstruction companySmelters and refineries provide global commercial services, Purchase Agreement (“Purchase Agreement”)) On the center of gold and silver. The purchase agreement also includes a revolving prepayment arrangement of US $ 500,000 (“prepayment), Which enables the company to request an advance payment for working capital purposes. The company has entered into a purchase agreement with the expectation to commence processing activities at its Merritt processing facility.

On April 26, 2021, the company requested an advance payment of $ 250,000, which was subsequently received on April 27, 2021. It is anticipated that funds will be available to prepare for Processing plant For production and potential acquisitions. The Circumstances It is prepaid Three months LiborSentence or sentence Plus 5.5% per annum on top of an initial prepayment fee of $ 5,000. The company will make the interest payments for the first six months and will repay the principal in October 2021. At this stage, the company can make the full payment again.Chance $ 500,000 to complete.

An undiluted down payment enables the company to make an investmentThe project To approximate the period between processing plant restart and cash flow. It is not one NSR license fee (Network Smelter return/NSRThe company is not obligated to resume payments once the claimed amount is paid. One of the main reasons for the company Ocean Partners in Sales focus Chosen is Ocean Partners’ vision that the Nicholas Merritt processing facility has the potential to be a high-quality / small-scale enterprise processing center in the county British To become Colombia. Ocean The partners also offered attractive purchase terms, and Ocean The partners have expressed an interest in providing Nicolas with financing options for the future merger of the gold and silver projects.

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The company also announces that Cameron Lily, P.Eng., Who took over as head of the processing plant in Merritt. Mr. Lilly has held senior positions at leading processing plants across the country for two decades British Colombia has experience in plant flotation optimization, including bottleneck removal, production accounting, plant planning, and industrial ventilation / dust control. His experience in operational and environmental capabilities will add value to Nicholas’ business and his continued commitment to the environment.

run out SpeejNicola CEO, commented, “We are very excited about the opportunity to work with us Ocean Partners to work togetherAnd the And access to the undiluted financing options that they provide we Show. It also reduces the need for Graduationit’s a One NSR Agreement. We also recognize the project integration potential offered by this modern and fully licensed $ 30 million processing facility. However, we still recognize that the company’s greatest long-term value lies in our 100% new copper project. Craigmont Which we will soon start our exploration program in 2021. ”

Brent Omland, Chief Financial Officer of Ocean Partners, About Me: “We realized the significant investment and long-term commitment required of projects to obtain a permit to process a plant in British Get Colombia. We believe Nicola has approval for the regional flagship site, from all over the world British Colombia was supplied with high quality gold and silver feed material for processing plant It could be We look forward to a long term relationship.

Scientific and technicalInformation

Kevin Wells P. Geo, The Company’s Geological Advisor, is the Independent Qualified Person as defined before National instrument 103-43 – Standards From disclosure to Metal projects Technical information is available in this press release.

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About the mining of Nikola

Nicola Mining Inc. It is a small mining company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange and is about to resume processing operations at its modern 100 percent owned plant and recovery facility located near Merritt, British Columbia. A fully licensed mill can process gold and silver using gravity and buoyancy processes. The company is also wholly owned by it treasure The mountain, a high quality silver property, and a working gravel pit located near the processing plant.

About new Craigmont

In November 2015, Nicola became the first company in decades to consolidate ownership of the new concession area Craigmont (“Al Malakiya”) has been active in mineral exploration since then. DrConcession areat is a 100% owned copper company with an active mining permit (M-68) located 33 km south of the Prime Minister Porphyryx The heights the valley. Concession area Next to the south end of Guichon-Table-BatholithWho made copper deposits The heights Valley homes.

There are no current estimates for the mineral resources in Dr.Concession area m. My Date “is not with.” NI 43-101 compatibleResource accounts in internal memos and geological reports for Placer The development company Ltd. is notarized in writing. More details To the concession area It can be found in the technical report titled “idiomatic Report for The Thule Copper and iron PropertyAnd the the South British Colombia, Canada(Technical report on Dr.Such as Copper ironConcession area Thuwal, Southern British Colombia, Canada), who passed away on August 3. May 2013 at Realizing Under Submitted It was.

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To the Board of Directors:

“run out Speeg

Peter Speige

CEO and Director

Additional information is available from:

Responsible person: Peter Espig

Phone: (778) 385-1213

e-mail: [email protected]

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1Ocean The partners operate in a number of countries including Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, Mexico, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Peru, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.And the It has agency representations in Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, India, Japan, South Africa and South Korea. The company maintains a strong global network of relationships and contacts in BasisMetallurgy and smelting sector.