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North Stream 2: The United States imposes further sanctions

North Stream 2: The United States imposes further sanctions

Nort Stream 2

The gas is to be transported from Russia to Germany and other countries through a twin pipeline of about 1200 km.

(Photo: Reuters)

Washington The United States has imposed further sanctions on Russia over its dispute over the North Stream 2 gas pipeline. The U.S. State Department said Monday that Transadria Limited, a company with ties to Russia, and its ship “Merlin” used for the pipeline were damaged. This means eight people or facilities and 17 ships are now subject to restrictions.

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has insisted that there are new sanctions in line with the US government’s opposition to a pipeline that ignores Ukraine and brings gas from Russia to Germany. At the same time, it will continue to work with Germany and other allies to reduce pipeline risk to Ukraine and eastern NATO countries. Critics view Nord Stream 2 primarily as a geopolitical project for Russia.

After a year of controversy over the plan, the federal government and the government of US President Joe Biden announced a turning point in July. They issued a joint statement pledging their support for Ukraine. The U.S. government acknowledged that the pipeline could no longer be blocked, and initially withdrew from the sanctions, for example against a pipeline operating company registered in Switzerland.

The announcement of the latest sanctions is part of a report sent to the US Congress, which requires the government to legislate. Every three months he is required to submit to Parliament a progress report on his efforts in Nort Stream 2.

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However, no natural gas has so far flowed from Russia via the Baltic Sea to Germany via the 1230 km long double line. Last week, the Federal Network Agency suspended the required certification process. Operator Nord Stream 2 AG is a subsidiary of the Russian Gas Company Cosprom.

Further: Russia wants to overcome obstacles to running North Stream 2

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