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Olympia: USA with gymnastic star Piles in team qualifications behind Russia

Olympia: USA with gymnastic star Piles in team qualifications behind Russia

The American gymnasts surrounding superstar Simon Piles missed out on the first place the team had hoped for in all-round qualifiers.

The Olympic champion from Rio de Janeiro had to face the best option Olympic Games With 170.562 points in Tokyo, it finished second in three of the five groups behind the Russian Olympic Committee athletes. The Russians scored 171,629 points in a four-way battle with the balance beam, jump, random bars and ground. Was in third place in the intermediate rankings China (166,863).

Teams from the German Gymnastics Federation (DTP) with Elizabeth Seats, Kim Pui (both Stuttgart), Sarah Vos (Cologne) and Pauline Schaefer (Semnitz) were challenged in the fifth group only in the evening (local time). Five years ago in Rio, the German quartet finished sixth in eight finals.

Four-time Olympic champion Piles showed weaknesses on the ground, during the jump and on the balance beams, and did so with the Somersalds on the double back during the jump without the newly formed Yurchenko. Nevertheless, after three groups, the 24-year-old took the lead over his teammate Sunisa Lee (57.166) with 57.731 points in the all-round competition.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210725-99-519087 / 2 (dpa)


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