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Opinion on COVID-19 vaccines and triggering flare-ups/disease activity in Multiple Sclerosis – Infected/DMSG

Opinion on COVID-19 vaccines and triggering flare-ups/disease activity in Multiple Sclerosis – Infected/DMSG

There are a number of case-control studies of inactivated vaccines, which include vaccines against COVID19. No causal relationship between vaccination and disease activity could be found in these studies (1). Professor Matthias Maurer, spokesperson for the KKNMS Specialized Committee on Structures of Care and Therapies and a member of the DMSG Medical Advisory Board, says: “On the contrary, it is more likely to be found. Guide Less disease activity, because vaccines have been shown to protect against or attenuate infection and thus provide ‘indirect’ protection the LadyDisease activity frequently observed in connection with wild-type infections.”

An Israeli study on COVID19 vaccination for more than 500 patients the Lady It found that 2.1 percent of people were vaccinated with their first Biontech/Pfizer vaccination the Lady a Pay After the second vaccination, 1.6 percent of the cohort suffered the LadyDocumented directions. This ratio corresponds to the expected number of attacks in the comparison period from 2017 to 2020, that is, before the COVID19 vaccine was available. Thus the numbers confirm the coincidence of attacks and pollination and make causation unlikely (2).

Another vaccination study from Italy confirms this observation. Two months after vaccinating 324 people infected with Covid-19 virus the Lady With the Biontech/Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, 2.2 percent of the group had one the Lady Pay Documented, two months before vaccination, 1.9 percent of the cohort suffered one the Lady Pay. These data also show that vaccination does not lead to changes in disease activity and not changes causal to happen the Lady Reversals can be found.

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Frequently Feared Regarding Acute Transverse Coronavirus Vaccination myelitis (ATM, acute myelitis), it must first be clarified that most of the cases with this complication were due to infection with SARS CoV2 virus (n = 43), only 3 cases have been described in connection with the COVID19 vaccination, and only with the vector vaccine from AstraZeneca, which It is currently of secondary importance to the vaccination campaign in Germany. The three cases cannot be ruled out in principle that the three cases are a cross-immune reaction, but these few cases currently have no bearing on the baseline assessment of the risks and benefits of COVID19 vaccination. This is also confirmed by the current Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) safety report, which systematically lists cases of myelitis that occurred in Germany in connection with vaccination (5).

Of course, there are also individual case reports in the literature of severe relapses that have occurred in connection with the COVID19 vaccine (6). This should also correspond to the individual experiences of neurologists and patients in recent months. But be aware that while thousands of people are vaccinated every day, a temporal relationship between vaccinations and various medical events can naturally be observed without assuming a direct causal relationship. It must be remembered once again that individual accounts are not able to answer a comprehensive question – this can only be achieved through controlled studies.

Given this situation, the disease-related efficiency network sees itself the Lady (KKNMS) and German the Lady Gesellschaft (DMSG), Bundesverband eV to issue the following statement, which according to Professor D. middle. Frauk Zip (Member of the KKNMS Board of Directors, the DMSG Medical Advisory Board, and on the Steering Committee of the Advisory Board of the the Lady MSIF International Federation for Immunization Recommendations [7]) complies with international vaccination recommendations:

  • There is currently no scientific evidence that vaccination against COVID19 leads to increased activity or increased relapses in MS.
  • Thus, MS is not an obstacle to vaccination against COVID19, the individual benefits of vaccination outweigh the individual risks of the MS patient.
  • However, there may be individual (rare) astrocytic groups in which vaccination should be suspended or delayed in MS patients. However, this decision should be made in consultation with an experienced MS practitioner based on the individual medical history. General practitioners and neurologists with little experience in treating multiple sclerosis should not issue blanket certifications against vaccination if the only reason is an MS diagnosis.
  • The use of MS immunotherapy of any kind is not a contraindication to the COVID19 vaccination, and the advantages listed above should be used. The only problem in these cases is that the vaccination response may be poor, which is why booster vaccinations can be considered. (See KKNMS statement of August 6, 2021[8)


[1] Zrzavy T, Kollaritsch H, Rommer PS, Boxberger N, Loebermann M, Wimmer I, Winkelmann A, Zettl UK. Vaccination in MS: friend or foe? immune front. 2019 Aug 7; 10: 1883. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01883. PMID: 31440255; PMCID: PMC6693409.

[2] Anat Asheron, Mark Dolev, Shai Minasco, Daniela Noa Zohar, Sapir Dreyer-Alster, Shmuel Meron, Emmanuel Sherbent, David Magalashvili, Shlomo Fleischer, Uri Givon, Diana Guber, Yael Stern, Michael Pollack, Rina Valbe, Michael Gurevich. 2021 May; 27 (6): 864-870. Published online 2021 Apr 15. doi: 10.1177/135245852110034

[3] Di Filippo M, Cordioli C, Malucchi S et al mRNA COVID-19 vaccines do not increase the risk of short-term clinical relapses in multiple sclerosis. 10.1136 / jnnp-2021-327200

[4] Gustavo C. Roman, Fernando Gracia, Antonio Torres, Alexis Palacios, Carla Gracia, Diogenis Harris. acute transverse myelitis (ATM): Clinical review of 43 patients with ATM associated with COVID-19 and 3 serious adverse events after vaccination with the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (AZD1222). immune front. 2021; 12:653786. Published online 2021 Apr 26. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.653786

(5) content.html? cms_pos = 6)

(6) Maniscalco GT, Manzo V, de Batista ME, Salvatore S, Moregia O, Scavon C, Capuano A. Severe relapsing-remitting MS after COVID-19 vaccination: a case report)

[7] Advice on COVID-19 for infected peoplethe Lady-FINAL.pdf

[8] – 1322d9162bebb0634c53ec38a6f6503f203ce29d066b7f5afe531e6ebbf2a8048d4f72 acc42f3458ee79b5c780a36bf0