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Orcs and ghosts don’t age

Orcs and ghosts don’t age

He's smart - with a belly pot!  Pumuckl and its creator, Ellis Coyote, who died in 2015
He’s smart – with a belly pot! Pumuckl and its creator, Ellis Coyote, who died in 2015 © APA / dpa / Fotoreport, dpa / A3216 Peter Kneffel

He doesn’t have gray hair or wrinkles, and he doesn’t need glasses: even if the Pumuckl is 60, he retains his messy red hair and wide eyes. It was already clear to its inventor, writer Ellis Coote, who died in 2015, that orcs don’t age. She once said that Pumuckl doesn’t even know what a pension is.

On February 21, 1962, the voice of Pumuckl was heard for the first time. The puck first appeared on Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) when Pumuckl’s first radio play, “Spuk aus der Werkstatt”, was broadcast on the radio. The novels followed, in the 1980s the first TV series and feature film. The number also became known in France, Spain and even China.

birthday every day

The genie became visible only in 1963. At that time, painter Barbara von Johnson painted Albomukle as a student at the Academy of Graphic Arts in Munich. With her idea, she immediately won a competition announced by author Kuyt for her character, which until then had only been audible. Pumuckl himself gives completely different information in the episode “Pumuckl want a birthday” from 1970. Since Meister Eder got a cake on his birthday, the jealous descendant of Klabautermannen claims that he was born exactly “seventy and thirteen years ago” on a sailing ship during a bad storm. . If one interprets “seventy-three” as 83, based on French counting methods, then he would be 135 years old today – 52 years later. Perhaps Kobold should not be concerned with such calculations. “Christmas is a beautiful day, I love Christmas every day,” he exclaimed happily.

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The invisible imp says his first words in the workshop of the master carpenter Eder: “Pomukul is teasing, Pomukul is hiding, no one finds out!” , said Hans Klarin incomparable. Like the real Klabautermann, the actor also came from the coast and gave Pumuckl his voice over for decades, screaming excitedly, shouting happily or laughing cheekily, sometimes anxious or even choking with tears. In contrast, the master of Eder, good-natured and sometimes angry, but always tolerant – spoken first by Franz Frolich and Alfred Bongratz, and later by Gustel Beyerhammer.

In his decades at the Klabauter, Pomuckle also went through a number of life crises. He even had a girlfriend for a while. Von Johnson had children draw a girl next to him in a drawing competition, much to the annoyance of Kuyt, who saw her copyrights infringed and went to court. The Munich District Court awarded Pomokl a girlfriend, as well as a wedding. But nothing came of it. Pomacle, in his late forties, remained celibate. Von Johnson and Cote reconciled.

A few years ago, in his fifties, so to speak, Pomacle briefly acted like some men his age: diet and build muscle, abs. In 2015, the Cosmos Publishing House published a book with Bomuckel’s Mathematical and Dynamics book. But fans protested and Pumuckl was allowed to keep his stomach.

The genie is still popular to this day, but the fact that the genie likes to drink beer annoys some people – stick around here too. In fact, in addition to chocolate, ‘Puddeling’ and sausage, Pumuckl also loves beer, and even has a beer-sized glaze for roasting with Master Eder.

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Will the new Pumuckl series that the RTL broadcast group plans to do differently? Could not find anything about it. All that is known is that Marcus H. Rosenmüller (“Trautmann”) will direct the film and that production companies Beta Film and Neuesuper will begin shooting in the spring.