At the town council meeting on Tuesday afternoon, ÖVP Mayor Michael Nestl received good news to announce: As reported at the end of May, the Graf family, who have run the SPAR store for years, will retire. Intensive negotiations dragged on for months, and talks with a possible new tenant failed, but now another successor had been found.
“Hubert Lechner from Hochwolkersdorf, who owns several ADEG subsidiaries in the region, will rent premises here and set up everything from July 19, when the handover takes place,” explains Nestl. As a reminder: the municipality bought the building, including the construction land, for 850,000 euros. The remaining eight employees will be taken over by the new owner, and the search for another three to four employees is still in progress.
Michael Nestl, head of the local ÖVP, is eyeing regionalism in the new store: “Lechner works closely with Bernhard’s bakery in Bromberg and will present products here, and wines from local winegrowers will be in the range as well.”
Karen and Hubert Lechner with their children.
The SPAR Store is officially closed this weekend, July 15th. Following the delivery on Wednesday, July 19, Lechner will begin construction of the ADEG branch, which is scheduled to open at the beginning of August. The opposition around SPÖ executive advisor Wolfgang Nemeth also welcomes the change in local suppliers: “It was a difficult negotiation, but thank God a solution has been found, and I hope it works. It’s great that we have local suppliers.”
More decisions in the municipal council
In another context of the meeting, STRABAG was entrusted, among other things, with the excavation and construction works for the transmission pipeline, which is connected to the water supply network in Wiener Neustadt, for 218,000 euros. There is also news about the S4 security expansion: ASFINAG is buying land next to S4 so that construction can go ahead – the municipality will receive 3,600 euros for this. All decisions were approved unanimously.
“Total coffee aficionado. Travel buff. Music ninja. Bacon nerd. Beeraholic.”
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