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Orthodoxy: Interest in the female diaconate – Vatican News

Orthodoxy: Interest in the female diaconate – Vatican News

There are good reasons to reintroduce the women's diaconate in Orthodox churches. The Romanian Orthodox theologian Tefa Rigoli explained this in the Austrian ecumenical magazine “Pro Oriente”.

The female deacon is part of the history of the Orthodox Church and has never been abolished, according to American theologian Teva Regul in the current issue of the Vienna Foundation’s magazine “Pro Oriente.” Regol writes that in earlier times of the Byzantine rite, the ordination of deacons took place during the Divine Liturgy. At the same point in the service at which the male deacons were ordained.

“In gender-segregated Byzantine society, female deacons cared for women, just as male deacons cared for men. They assisted with baptisms, brought the Eucharist to those who were unable to attend Mass, mediated between the faithful and the clergy, and taught, advised and accompanied the faithful on their Christian journey, especially those new to the faith. Theologian.

Many believe in the revival of the women's diaconate

“Consecration was no longer required” around the 12th century, the list wrote, but: “To this day there is no canon or ecclesiastical regulation directed against consecration. Today, many believers believe that this service – especially with regard to the pastoral care of women (But not exclusively) – It is still in demand and they would like to revive it.

It calls for its reintroduction for 150 years

There have been calls to reintroduce diaconate ordination for women for more than 150 years. The organization refers to various initiatives and also some of the first attempts at consecration in Greece (2005) and Africa (2017). Today, according to the theologian, work continues to preserve this church consensus. One such initiative based in the USA is the St. Phoebe Deaconess Centre. The system operates on the Center's Board of Directors. Its mission is “to promote the revitalization of the ordained deacon and to prayerfully ensure that it meets the needs of the Church and the world today.”

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“Great need” for renewed devotion

Rigol said that those calling for the renewal of this consecration “see a great need for this service in the life of the Church.” “They are able to distinguish between diaconal service and priestly service, and they see this as a positive step in meeting the many pastoral challenges that the faithful and the world face today.”

Women in the Maronite Church

In another article in the magazine, Soraya Bechealani, professor of ecclesiology and ecumenism at Saint Joseph University in Beirut, talks about current developments in the Maronite Church. The basic document “The Call and Mission of Women in God’s Plan of Salvation and in the Life of the Church and Society” was recently adopted there. This document is the first of its kind, says Bechealani.

Soraya Bechealani receiving Pope Francis

Soraya Bechealani receiving Pope Francis

On March 5, 2022, Patriarch Boutros Al-Rai opened a special synod on the presence and mission of women in the Church and society. “The Special Synod on Women is an invitation to analyze the current situation of women, to reflect on women’s human and ecclesiastical vocation, their status and role, and to enhance their active participation. It also aims to empower women to enhance their presence and role in administration, leadership, education, liturgy and pastoral service, and to achieve participation and integration in responsibility and decision-making.” According to biblical and judicial views on women.”

(cap – vn)