Less than two weeks before the Oscars, the Los Angeles Film Academy announced a “cast of stars” at the trophy show. The show’s producers announced yesterday that Oscar winners such as Halle Berry, Reese Witherspoon, Renee Zellweger, Joaquin Phoenix and Brad Pitt will participate in presenting the 93rd Academy Awards.
Other named stars include Angela Bassett, Don Cheadle, Brian Cranston, Laura Dern, Harrison Ford, Regina King, Marley Matlin, Rita Moreno, Zendaya, and “Parasite” director Bong John Hu. And the message in the message said that for the film-style awards ceremony, they could have won a true star. “There is so much electrical power here that sunglasses may be necessary.”
The April 25 parade is scheduled to take place with the candidates immediately. In Los Angeles, in addition to the traditional Hollywood Dolby Theater, the Los Angeles Union Station building was planned as a stage for the first time. Due to the requirements of the Coronavirus and the associated travel difficulties, international sites are also being planned in which to add Oscar nominees.
Oscar hopes to get a fresh look at the USA
The name can be used multiple times at the award ceremony: Chloe Zhao’s song “Nomadland” was nominated in six categories. With the movie, the Peking native places many Native American myths on new foundations. Re-measure America has already admitted her first two films. Their debut “Songs My Brothers Taught Me” is now available on broadcast.
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