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ÖSV ÖSV ÖSV Kramer and Hirner play leading roles in Ramsau

ÖSV ÖSV ÖSV Kramer and Hirner play leading roles in Ramsau

Big bang and bad luck

On Fridays (jump at 10:30 a.m., cross-country ski at 1.30 p.m.) it will be the turn of the ladies who made their World Cup premiere here last year. It remained the only competition for the 2020/2021 season.

Only this winter the World Cup was able to increase speed and jump – and the Norwegians dominate it. Two weeks ago, Hirner was sensationally third at Lillehammer, but was unlucky on the next stop at Otepää: She finished 14th and disqualified because of her suit.

The suit and baggage fell by the wayside on the return trip, and she only came to Austria shortly before the competition in Ramsau. After making small changes, Hearner now hopes “all is well”.

In Ramsau she hopes to get a better arrangement again, but one thing is more important: after the chaos in Otepää, she wants to “find her peace again”.

Perhaps it is useful that from now on the Austrian team is no longer a “one-woman show”. Her last injured roommate, Annalena Salamik, and novice Eva Hoppinger are back there for the first time.

Even if Herner wasn’t usually alone during training and also worked “with the boys” on base at the Eisners, she’s happy to see the team back. “Now we’re laughing again at the dining table and having fun, I really missed it,” says Styrian. This may also cause the slack to return.

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