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Ottensamer, Koncz, Traxler: An Anthology

Ottensamer, Koncz, Traxler: An Anthology

We owe a long and exciting musical journey into the world of chamber music and the inconspicuous examination of the clarinet trios to three great musicians who have recorded seven CDs under the title “Anthology”.

Clarinetist Daniel Otensamer of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, cellist of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Stefan Konsch and pianist Christoph Traxler chose original pieces for their group as they exploit all the tonal possibilities of their instruments to perfection and in doing so they tour through several stylistic stations.

In such a diverse and distinct treatment of vocal material, the listener can encounter an encounter almost incomparable with the genre specialized in the triple clarinet. Max Bruch, Arvo Barth, Nina Rota and many others enriched the band. However, as an exception, let me stress the importance of the late Viennese Romantic composer Alexander Zemlinsky in chamber music as well.

In 1896 he wrote the trio for clarinet (or violin), violin, and piano, which is still a complete successor to Brahms and cannot be assigned to any direction of new music. The lively musical conclusion succeeds here as a defining feature that any attentive listener should not miss.

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