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Over 100 Million: Auction Record for “Buchenwald” Klimt in New York

Over 100 Million: Auction Record for “Buchenwald” Klimt in New York

Klimt’s Autumn Birch Forest was valued at more than $90 million by Christie’s—more than double what Allen paid in 2006. It’s one of five paintings the Republic of Austria had a long-running dispute over reclaiming against the Bloch-Bauer family’s heirs. The new owner was informed in advance that he was being asked to give up his new property between February and May 2024 for the Neue Galerie in New York: the painting was requested on loan to the exhibition “Gustav Klimt: Landscapes”.

Klimt records

Klimt’s numbers have been recorded so far by Adele Bloch-Bauer I, Golden Adele, which went to Ronald Lauder at $135 million as the world’s most expensive painting out of auction at the time, and Adele Bloch-Bauer II, which she bought American media star Oprah Winfrey sold at Christie’s in New York for $87.9 million and was sold to a Chinese collector for $150 million more than ten years later.

The incredible auction of the Microsoft co-founder’s collection – a total of more than 150 works from 500 years of art history – will continue on Thursday. Allen’s wish was for the proceeds to go to charitable projects. The previous record from a private art collection auction is $922 million and was set last May for the collection of American couple Harry and Linda McCullough.

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