Boutique Van de Zandschulp and Rafael Nadal meet in the Round of 16 at Wimbledon today. We present the meeting...
In the first job update, Microsoft Windows 11 introduces some new features - and corrects previous bugs. Photo: IB Photography...
Videos provided by the video platform "Austrian Press Agency" (APA). A third party provider in which to embed the live...
Vienna - Everyone knows a toothache. And there is a high probability that you will make unpleasant acquaintances again and...
With the exhibition “Satanic. Gentle - Good. And the Smiling Wine Angel” with landscape portraits by Reinhard Podolsky and wine...
The number of critically ill people being treated with Covid-19 in intensive care units in Germany has risen to 1,000....
14 games, 12 wins, 2 draws and a goal difference of 84:3: Sarina Wegmann's tenure as England women's national team...
Samsung first announced the One UI Watch beta for the Galaxy Watch4 and Watch4 Classic in May. Two have appeared...
In the future, Martin Walser's works will be stored, cataloged and researched at the German Literature Archive (DLA) in Marbach....
It was a first in the tech company's history: 65 of the 110 employees at the Apple Store in Towson,...