Angelina JolieThe appearance of (46) BC at the Rome International Film Festival sparked discussions on the network. And the reason...
Bacteria like 'hospital germs' Staphylococcus aureus They owe their danger to a double defense: on the one hand, they easily...
( - With an early win of the 2021 MotoGP World Championship last Sunday in Misano, Fabio Quartaro not only...
On October 28, exactly at 5 PM German time, it's time: After a long development phase, Age of Empires 4...
The protests against the military coup in Sudan resulted in deaths and injuries. A spokesman for the Ministry of Health...
VP-Ieekuutualehuueelueu Oetpel ehlnett uuu Blue aeuee Belke, pepp lkle 6epekotle nulel atupeteu UualpllholupteOeu telpeu: lulet uelheupele uelaeuaeue Vueke Uelhentpeelpeelpeelpeeu, Znu...
Recently, investors have been surprised twice, in both cases it has not been particularly pleasant. Inflation was surprisingly high and...
Soon it's time. Then it startsGermany is looking for the star"-winner Pietro Lombardi (29) His tour in Dortmund. The singer...
Astronomers are experiencing a moment like the one that historians experienced with the discovery of the Rosetta Stone: for the...
Photo: © getty Vienna - Monday, October 25, 2021 at 3:58 pm German Legionnaires Dejan Ljubicic and Karim Onisiwa were...