The Free Democratic Party and the Green Party demand an extension of the evacuation mission in Kabul In opposition, calls...
A collection provided by Amazon was recently stolen in front of the home of an American woman. The culprit is...
Listed CA Immo managed to nearly quadruple its semi-annual dividend, thanks mainly to a significantly better revaluation result. It increased...
Baku Steinbecks (46) travel in Brumi's older brother is over. Last Tuesday, viewers had to say goodbye to the super...
Only a few years ago, astronomers discovered the first asteroids and comets of interstellar origin in our solar system. A...
German tennis icon Becker believes that Alexander Zverev put this pressure on himself on the one hand, but also suffered...
In front of the public on Wednesday, Pope Francis sharply criticized the hypocrisy in the Church, calling it "ugly". "Unfortunately...
August 25, 2021 at 7:45 p.m. RWE and Bayer : German companies are testing the mandatory vaccine in the United...
Food for children is enriched not only with cartoon or game characters, but also with a lot of sugar and...
Monty Python star lets people talk on Channel 4 who have been "cancelled" - and activists who use Untouchable. The...