Malcom celebrates his goal in the decisive 2-1 win over Spain. © APA / afp / ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT Thanks to...
The 'perseverant' rover still has eleven days left on its mission to Mars to sample ancient microbial life. The mission...
PiS Chairman Kaczynski announced that Poland will abolish the Supreme Court Disciplinary Chamber in its current form. Poland is partly...
The increase in the number of infections in the United States due to delta variability is leading to more and...
Beauty products have pop stars Rihanna According to estimates by the American Business Journal Forbes Billionair. The 33-year-old singer (Umbrella)...
Is an important Atlantic stream, including the Gulf Stream, about to collapse?There is evidence that the Atlantic circulation current (AMOC)...
The sure-fire win at Lavantal was certainly a good thing for Sturm after their 3-1 defeat early in the season...
Homepage // Toys // Activision says Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Remaster does not existFans Agreed: The Call of...
NSAn employee of the Governor of New York, Andrew CuomoShe filed a criminal complaint against her boss for sexual harassment....
He has done it again. Donald Trump realized a conspiracy in the American women's national team. After all, he is...