Beach volleyball players Martin Ermacura/Philip Waller have reached the semi-finals of the ProTour Challenge tournament in Saquarema. The qualifiers defeated...
Artist's view of the black hole M60-UCD1. Image: NASA/ESA Lisa Syed March 31, 2024 - 11:00 AM 4 minutes Researchers...
03/31/2024 04:30 (Law issued on March 31, 2024 at 4:30 a.m.) Murat Kurum is Erdogan's candidate for mayor of Istanbul...
World Cup in Schaffhausen - First setback at start: USA defeats curlers - Sports - SRF Skip to content Some...
WEliam Boeing is known for his great emphasis on quality work. An incident is recorded about him: As he was...
Not only the young audience, but also the adults listened and followed with interest the adventure of the Little Prince...
Videos provided by the video platform of the Austrian Press Agency (APA). Third party providers through which live blogs from...
Easter brings a live duel between the title contenders in the Bundesliga Championship group at 5pm. Rival Sturm Graz could...
According to the Geosphere Austria website, the prevailing southern crater once again brought a large cloud from the African continent...
The central retail group is said to be considering acquiring Signa properties such as KaDeWe and Selfridges. According to a...