Although the EU and USA make savings Global coal consumption is increasing at record levels December 15, 2023, 8:54 am...
Facebook has finally launched a version of Twitter called Threads. What you have to say can now be broadcast to...
The choir at an Advent concert. picture: Wolfgang Hanosek DrThe "Pulkauer Stub'nmusi" choir performed at Maria Drieeichen's Advent concert. The...
Sciences The groundbreaking ceremony for a new center for precision medicine was held today on the campus of the Medical...
From April 21-27, 2024, the Austria women's national team will compete for promotion from Division I-A to the Premier Division...
“Individual stars usually explode as hydrogen-rich supernovae. The fact that they are hydrogen-poor means that the progenitor star must have...
It might actually be a good thing that climate negotiations were being negotiated in Dubai of all places. You may...
The US government expects a shift from "high-intensity" ground attacks in the Gaza Strip to "more targeted" military operations after...
Lotach. On 25 November 2023, the first of the four competitions of the second KIDSCUP series was held in Alpenbad...
Dutch director and author Theo Bormans tells the story of the first weeks of 1938, before the Anschluss. They are...