The film, a co-production of Belgium, France and the Netherlands, tells the story of a deep friendship between thirteen-year-old boys...
Countless rocks of varying sizes move through the solar system in sometimes crazy trajectories. Most of the asteroids are safe...
European games Jacqueline Sifriedsberger took home the gold medal on the normal hill at the European Games in Poland on...
Photo: Noctua Removing the CPU's heat spreader, often referred to as the "header," can bring temperatures down significantly, as long...
The publication of an audio recording may place the accused, former US President Donald Trump, in a case of classified...
"This is confidential information, see." A former US president doesn't want to be known for falsifying government documents. He...
The digital euro is set to become legal tender. Banks take care of the distribution. These warn of liquidity outflows...
Whether they are a couple, these rumors about Beatrice Egli and Florian Silberisen always bother successful stars, at least they...
(2023 JG6) "Especially getting close to Earth!" A total of 10 near-Earth asteroids reach the closest point in their orbit...
With the summer temperatures in mind, our team has resumed training this afternoon at 3pm. In addition to his new...