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Parahoki – Moser Medical Graz99rs

Parahoki – Moser Medical Graz99rs

The Graz99ers have been and continue to be a strong hockey partner since the beginning and are incorporating hockey into the 2023/24 anniversary season. This means that the Class of 99 is not only about professional players, fight team and young ice hockey players, but also Our paragraph hockey.

With the Steirische Panther Parahockey Team, players with or without lower extremity weakness follow their passion for learning and playing ice hockey while sitting on a skate.

Steirische Panther Parahockey Graz was founded in July 2018 and has been playing in the Austrian Championship and international tournaments since then. Michael Sawyer has been leading the department since the 2019/20 season, taking care of regulatory issues in the hockey sector and playing his fifth season. In cooperation with enthusiastic assistants and supervisors, training and playing are ensured.

But the most important figures in the team are the athletes, without them hockey would not exist in Graz. The most important mission and goal of the team is to bring the largest number of people with disabilities of the lower extremities to hockey, to make this beautiful sport attractive to them and to train them in the best possible way.

Bara – Styrian Panther Parahockey Graz –


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Head of Hockey Department:

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Michael Sawyer

[email protected]