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Paris police shot two prisoners when they searched the car

Paris police shot two prisoners when they searched the car

Motorists wanted to evade control.

During a search of a car in a suburb of Paris, officials fatally shot the two prisoners. Because the driver did not want to obey an order, the Paris police said on Twitter that officials wanted to check the car on Monday night. She was referring to videos on social media showing the incident in Stains Village in Banlieue.

Service Weapons

The driver suddenly started to start the parked car and hit a policeman in the back. A police spokeswoman said the car then moved forward and dragged a second officer who wanted to stop the car several metres. Then both officers used their service weapons. Investigations have begun, including investigations against police officers who were injured.


According to the newspaper “Le Parisien”, the driver was hit by five bullets and his passenger was wounded by one bullet. It was not yet known why both of them wanted to evade control. In the video, which is purported to show control, a total of three plainclothes officers are seen working around the vehicle. One of the men appeared to have fired at the car after the car had already stopped.

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