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Part of a 21-ton missile fell to the ground – location of impact unknown

Part of a 21-ton missile fell to the ground – location of impact unknown

Every year about 100 tons of space waste lands on Land. It appears that a large portion of that annual amount will be dropping this month. As reported by The Guardian, Part of a Chinese missile is currently falling towards the ground.

Rather, according to the newspaper, it is out of control. In the worst case, the basic unit of the “Langer March 5B” missile, which has a length of about 30 meters, could drop over populated areas.

On Tuesday, the scrap craft was in orbit at an altitude of about 300 km. At about 27,000 kilometers per hour, it orbits the Earth every 90 minutes and sinks slowly – about 80 kilometers since its weekend.

Space junk is by no means unusual, with countless bits of rockets, satellites and debris racing around our Earth. Isn’t it too far in space? It gets slowed down due to the still atmospheric particles. The denser the atmosphere, the stronger the braking effect – at some point the material will collapse. On the way back to Earth through the atmosphere, it is strongly heated. Smaller parts burn out, and larger objects can also reach the surface of our planet.

More flights are planned in the coming weeks

China recently He started building his own space station. The “Tianhe” (Celestial Harmony) unit, which was recently transported into space and weighs 22 tons, forms the main part of the space station, which is due to be completed “around 2022”. The missile part that is destroyed now comes from moving this part of the station.

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In the coming weeks, two space flights will follow one after the other. In May, the “Tianzhu 2” cargo ship could combine fuel and supplies. Three astronauts are also preparing to travel to Tianhe aboard Shenzhou 12, possibly in June. The construction phase requires a controlled flight plan: eleven flights are planned – three with units, four cargo missions, and four manned space missions.