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Partial eclipse of the sun darkens the sky today

Partial eclipse of the sun darkens the sky today

In Austria, a special phenomenon awaits us in the sky: on June 10, 2021, it will already be dark. You will be able to see the sky scene very well, especially when it is not cloudy.

Austria. A partial solar eclipse can only be seen every six years in Austria. The new moon will partially cover the sun – a maximum of 21 percent. Recently, we were able to look forward to such a scene in 2015.

When exactly can a solar eclipse be seen?

In Vienna, Innsbruck or Graz, that is, in the whole of Austria, the sky will be dark on Thursday, June 10, 2021 depending on the location from west to east between 11:52 and 1:28 pm, with a peak at 12.40 pm. A solar eclipse lasts about two hours.

In eastern Austria, a cloudless sky was announced on Thursday noon, and in the west some clouds may obstruct the view of the event.

What happens in a partial solar eclipse?

According to the Friends of the Stars Society, the new moon moves about 20 percent in front of the Sun in the north and about six percent in the south. About an hour before the maximum is seen, the Moon begins to move in the same direction from the point of view of the Earth in front of the Sun. After one hour of max, the scene ended. In general, it will not become significantly darker or significantly cooler. The Sky Play takes 1 hour and 36 minutes in Vienna.

When was the last solar eclipse?

The last partial solar eclipse in Germany was on March 20, 2015. At that time, for example, the largest solar eclipse was in Berlin at 10:47 am. A solar eclipse is a rare sight because several factors must come together. According to astrological friends, such an event can occur only at the new moon and when the satellite is exactly between the Earth and the sun. However, due to the inclination of the lunar orbit, it usually passes above or below the sun. There is a maximum of two to four solar eclipses per year anywhere on Earth. The scene begins in northeastern Canada, passes through the Arctic Ocean and Greenland – and ends in Siberia.

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What should you pay attention to during a solar eclipse?

Do not look directly at the sun! During the last solar eclipse, many people in Austria had to treat their eyes because they did not wear special glasses. That’s why you should get eclipse glasses. “Never look at the sun with unshielded eyes,” warned Peter Gumbelmayr, president of the Upper Austrian state union of optometrists and contact lenses, before the latest solar eclipse. “Even a single look through binoculars without the proper filters can cause serious damage to the retina in a split second or even complete vision loss!”

Long-term consequences only decades later

Ultraviolet radiation, which is also known as the cause of sunburn, destroys the light-sensitive rods and color-sensitive cones in the retina. The result is a blind spot that leads to severe visual impairment in later years. Children and adolescents are particularly at risk in this regard, as they are less concerned with proper protection. Decades later, the consequences can manifest in severe visual impairments or even blindness. “The fact that the retina is insensitive to pain makes the danger even greater. Since in this way you do not immediately notice the harmful radiation, and if you notice that something is wrong with your eyes, it is already too late,” explains the master of the Upper Austrian State Union of Optometrists / Optometrists Austrians.

No homemade glasses

Solar eclipse glasses are special glasses to protect from light. Special filter chips with a very high filter factor are used. Most of them are made of plastic or cardboard. Questions about this are possible with any ophthalmologist. This is the only way to look directly at the sun safely without harming the eyes from excessive ultraviolet rays Lower specimens with insufficient SPF can be just as dangerous as DIY filters made of black glass or uncovered film. Ordinary sunglasses are not suitable either. “In many cases, dark sunglasses are particularly dangerous because they allow ultraviolet rays to pass almost unhindered. In addition, the pupils open more in semi-darkness, which means that the most dangerous ultraviolet rays penetrate the eye,” says Peter Gumblemayer.

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