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Partial solar eclipse in Burgenland –

Partial solar eclipse in Burgenland –

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A day before the national holiday, there is a real spectacle in the sky above Burgenland: a partial solar eclipse darkens the sky already at midday, the moon moves in front of the sun and covers about 30 percent of the sun’s disk.

After a very small partial solar eclipse in 2021, there will now be a much larger and clearly visible eclipse over Burgenland this year. Unlike a complete eclipse, as was last seen over Austria in 1999, we are talking about a partial solar eclipse.

solar eclipse graphic


It starts at 11:16 am

The first contact between the Moon and the Sun occurs at 11:16 am (Eisenstadt time), so this marks the beginning of the increasing eclipse. About 30 percent of the solar disk will then be covered at the time of the maximum eclipse at 12:21 p.m. Before the moon moves away from the sun again and the eclipse ends at 1:27 p.m. If weather conditions allow for observation, this can be seen very clearly in the sky.

Monitor only by appropriate means

In any case, the darkness should only be monitored by appropriate means in order to provide optimum protection to the eyes. These include eclipse glasses, projectors, or telescopes equipped with solar filters. Common methods such as rescue blankets or welding goggles do not provide adequate protection and should definitely be avoided.

The Burgenland Astronomical Working Group (BAA) offers solar eclipse observations at two locations in Burgenland. From 11:00 am there will be an opportunity to safely observe the solar eclipse in front of the Landhaus Eisenstadt and the middle school in Neudörfl. If the weather permits, everyone should definitely seize the opportunity. Stefan Wallner, chairman of the BAA, says the next small solar eclipse won’t happen over Burgenland again until 2025.

“Sun eclipses in particular present an incredible spectacle, not only can they often be seen but also felt due to their size, and therefore unique in terms of celestial phenomena,” Wallner says. The BAA also offers a live stream:

The next smaller solar eclipse will not be visible over Burgenland until 2025.

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