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Partial solar eclipse in time-lapse video –

Partial solar eclipse in time-lapse video –


A hobby astronomer from Puchenstuben (Scheibbs County) recorded a partial solar eclipse at his own observatory in time-lapse video on Tuesday. For over two hours, he took a frame every 30 seconds using the telescope.

Astronomer Hobby Franz Clauser took the images using a telescope with a 100 mm aperture, a 500 mm focal length and a timer trigger. The telescope’s entrance hole is covered with eclipse film. The interval covers the period from 11:17 AM to 1:29 PM CEST and is compressed to 17 seconds.

Clauser was a former Professor of Physics and Mathematics at St. Polten University. During a partial solar eclipse, pupils from the Puchenstuben Primary School visited it with their teachers at the observatory. “Eclipse glasses were very popular,” says the amateur astronomer.

The sun has decreased by 41 percent

The solar eclipse over Austria partially increased by 41 percent on Tuesday. Climatic conditions in late summer brought very good conditions for observation. The exact times and degree of the eclipse varied slightly within Austria, but at around 1.30pm, the skyline was over after just over two hours.

Photo series with 3 photos

The hobby of astronomer Franz Clauser


Antenna astronomer Franz Clauser admired the celestial scene
The observatory in Puchenstuben

Franz Clauser

The weather conditions at the observatory in Puchenstuben were also ideal for observing the partial solar eclipse
solar telescope

Franz Clauser

Clauser captured the scene with this solar telescope

A solar eclipse only occurs at the new moon, when the moon is close to the sun as seen from the earth. On average, at least twice a year the Earth’s satellite covers part of the Sun’s disk. However, this is not seen everywhere on Earth. The next solar eclipse that can be seen from Austria won’t happen again until March 29, 2025. A total solar eclipse in Austria won’t happen again until 2081 – more on that at Sciences.

Puchenstuben in Mostviertel is one of the few places in Europe where light pollution is still low. Franz Clauser’s private observatory is located just outside the community at the edge of the forest and directly on the planet’s trail, where the planetary system is laid out on a scale of 1: 1 billion. Thus a one-meter step corresponds to a billion meters in the universe.

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