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Patch 1.1.1 is here – secret changes in the update

Patch 1.1.1 is here – secret changes in the update

  1. in the game
  2. Gaming news
  3. Diablo

Diablo 4 Patch 1.1.1 Available Here. The update motivates all classes and makes dungeons more challenging. Blizzard has cheated some changes without warning.

Irvine, California – After the start of the first season, Diablo 4 ran into serious problems. Fans kept complaining about the nerf hell they had to put up with. Level 70 gameplay loop was also heavily criticized. Some problems have been fixed with patch 1.1.1. However, Blizzard also cheated some patch changes that weren’t announced.

game title Diablo IV
Version (date first published) 06/06/2023
Publishers Blizzard Entertainment
series Diablo
platform PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S and PC
Developer Blizzard Entertainment
Type Hack and Slay, Action RPG

Diablo 4: Patch 1.1.1 is available – Blizzard has yet to announce some changes

Patch 1.1.1 is available here: Diablo 4 received patch 1.1.1, which finally polished all classes. In addition, dungeons have become more profitable. Monster density has been increased in order to be able to farm XP and items faster. It may have replaced the best power level method in Diablo 4 Season.

Rogue in Diablo 4 after patch 1.1.1
Diablo 4: Patch 1.1.1 brings secret changes © Blizzard Entertainment

These changes were not announced: In addition to the announced things that update 1.1.1 brings to Diablo 4, Blizzard has also incorporated some secret changes. YouTuber Wudijo summed it up in a video. None of the changes are really groundbreaking, but it’s very important to know one.

  • The cost of the fifth chest upgrade is 400,000 gold
  • The system of priority over astrologists has been removed (previously, some pieces of armor guaranteed certain titles when enchanting. For example, rings always got a critical chance. This feature is no longer included)
  • unique itemboldness” Still not working properly
  • The unique item “Hakan Embassy” got the wrong label (heavy damage instead of non-material damage was replaced by reduced waiting time)
  • The barber’s mischievous heart works with just about everything and he’s probably OP now
  • Nightmare dungeons contain 40-50% more monsters
  • As a result, leveling is 20-30% faster.
  • The dungeon bosses don’t seem to have been polished
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Probably the most important changes are the changing priorities of the astrologist and the “barber’s heart”, which seems to be the OP. Putting new titles on your items after patch 1.1.1 can cost you more time and money if you’re waiting for the right stats. Patch 1.1.1 may not have changed anything in the build level list for Diablo 4 Season 1 at this time.