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Peisching: Stores of biomass provide natural heat supply

Peisching: Stores of biomass provide natural heat supply

Anyone might be surprised by the huge mountains of wood in front of the former Peischinger EVN power station: this is a biomass store – an emergency reserve.

Crimea. In order to be able to guarantee a continuous supply of natural heat at all times throughout the winter, EVN operates large log storage facilities. One of them is in Beixing and the others are in

  • Stockeraw
  • Lugendorf
  • In the future also in Krems

“Up to 15 percent of the annual requirement can be stored at these locations.”

“At the site of the old coal-fired gas power plant in Beixing, you can see the transformation to a renewable energy system is especially good today. Coal, oil and natural gas were used to generate electricity until 1987, and the raw material for natural energy from local forests is now stored.” Only wood is used in this dilution,” explains EVN spokesperson Stefan Zach.

Backup for cogeneration stations

Wooden storage serves as a backup to supply our heating (power) plants. Wood chips are usually supplied directly by partners from agriculture and forestry.
“If the suppliers fail – for example because they can’t drive into the woods because of the weather – stored energy wood can be used,” Zak says.

What is stored

Damaged wood profiles unsuitable for the industrial process chain are stored and dried. Storage areas also provide sufficient space for short-term overcapacities of cuttings, which are required in the event of unforeseen events such as wind damage or bark beetle infestation.

“After winter before winter. Depending on storage capacity, we can operate the heating plant in question at full capacity for up to 6 months.”

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