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Peranthopia Light for Ethiopia: 2023 is a year of anniversaries and a reason for great joy

Peranthopia Light for Ethiopia: 2023 is a year of anniversaries and a reason for great joy

Thanks to a memorable visit to a small orphanage in Ethiopia, Claudia Klöckner founded her first aid project under the name BIRHANETHIOPIA fifteen years ago, to help grandmother’s orphans. An unplanned project, one follows the other, and today the association, which has since been established, is an important partner in development cooperation with the Diocese of Imdeber, Ethiopia.

The Pirhanethopia Annual Calendar has been published for ten years with its own photos taken during the project visits, and at the end of this year the association will celebrate its fifth anniversary. Founding members, Claudia Klöckner, Petra Albrecht and Karen Nourz, who is currently on a project visit in Ethiopia.

Education and nutrition of children and young people is one of the focal points of our association.

The ongoing costs of running the school for our main project, the Piragi Montessori Kindergarten School Project, are funded through the School Sponsorship Programme. In addition to a quality education, children also receive a warm meal and school uniform every day.
Through our sponsorship program for students, we are also currently funding the studies of six young women and men. We have also been able to equip many schools with reading books. A well project, construction of a building for a health center and much more have also been completed by the association in the past two years.

ECO Primary School in Nekemte, in which we are participating in a fundraiser with an Ethiopian missionary, is nearing completion of the first construction phase. Two more were to follow.
Right now, we still need money to furnish classrooms and an administration office so that we can open the school with its first two terms in the fall.
Thanks to everyone who has supported our organization and continues to do so!

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If you would like to help us purchase furniture, please transfer your donation to the following account: BIRHANETHIOPIA AT20 3631 4020 0220 1713 – Code Nekemte. Thank you very much for this!

You can find out more about our association on our website