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Photo gallery with training photos: Good trainee performances in the Urfahr region

Photo gallery with training photos: Good trainee performances in the Urfahr region

From November 22 to 24, the “Good Debutants Shows” will take place at the Kulturhaus Schöffl in Engerwitzdorf, at the Gramaphon Gramastetten and at the Haus am Ring in Bad Leonfelden. BezirksRundSchau accompanies the three shows as media partner. Here are pictures from the training sessions.

Intensive preparation

Interns present their apprenticeships and apprenticeships to the school audience in an exciting show format. The school audience applauds enthusiastically and experiences a variety of apprenticeships from a young person’s perspective in a professional setting. In the workshops, the boys learn how to apply. In addition, they are trained in rhetoric. The second part of the workshop is the target stage training. Then each trainee has his own area of ​​expertise. As the details are worked out, there is an active exchange with the chiefs and coaches.

Comments on offers:

Felix Schoftner, Junior, Kapl Bau GmbH:
The opportunity to appear in front of a large audience and present your teaching career is beneficial in many areas. It definitely paid off. “

Clemens Scheuchenstuhl, Intern, Raiffeisenbank Gallneukirchen District eGen:
If you’re afraid, that’s completely normal, take on this task anyway and you’ll be rewarded with great success. Not everyone has the opportunity to participate in the GUUTE apprenticeship offer, so seize the opportunity. The feeling after the show when the whole audience was looking at me, smiling and applauding was indescribable. “

Christina Grosbacher, Intern – Gastroservice Festfertigung GmbH:
For me it was a unique experience that I will not soon forget. However, speaking in front of a lot of people was quite a challenge, but it helps me a lot in vocational school at the moment. The relationship with each other was really familiar and wonderful. “

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Laura Mitterlehner, intern, Honeder Naturbackstube GmbH:
I enjoyed sharing the joy of my job as a baker with others and giving them a brief insight into our work at the bakery. “

Karl Schmalzer, Hotel Manager, Spa Hotel Bründl Betriebs GmbH:
The best way to communicate what makes an apprenticeship special to young people is through enthusiastic apprentices who talk about practical experience. In addition, the GUUTE Apprenticeship Show was an impressive event. In addition, it was an interesting challenge for the participating trainees to further their development. “

Reinhard Geisbauer, Trainee Coach, SIMADER Baumeister und Zimmermeister GmbH:
The quality of preparation for the trainee presentation strengthens the trainees. Accordingly, weaknesses are worked out, but relevant strengths are also emphasized. As a result, all trainees feel comfortable and appear original in their presentations. It is also always important for me that young people learn for “life”! This means that they actually have the opportunity to perform in front of a large audience on the mentee show. “

Gabe Mayerhofer, Entrepreneur, May-IT GmbH:
The GUUTE Junior Program offers trainees the opportunity to introduce themselves and, above all, the company to a wide audience after an apprenticeship. Young employees stand on a large platform for the first time and gain self-confidence that they can also do it professionally
Environment needs again and again
. “