Last year, a lawsuit was filed against Sony, accusing the company of charging too high prices for games on the Playstation Store. The gist of the accusation is that Sony charges a 30 percent commission on games sold in the store.
According to the plaintiffs’ argument, this keeps prices artificially high for consumers rather than providing cheaper prices by lowering the commission.
Consumer lawyer Alex Neal, who is leading the lawsuit, argues that Sony’s pricing policy is anti-competitive. If the court upholds the lawsuit, Sony could have to pay up to $7.9 billion to UK gamers.
Sony had tried to dismiss the lawsuit against pricing in the Playstation Store to avoid a legal dispute. the Competition Appeal Tribunal However, he decided to pursue the lawsuit.
The court considers a hearing to be the appropriate way to resolve this dispute. However, it remains uncertain whether the lawsuit will ultimately succeed and whether UK players will actually get their money.
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It is worth noting that Sony’s practice of charging a commission on games sold in the store is common in many stores to enable third-party sellers to sell their products.
What is problematic from the lawsuit’s perspective is the fact that the Playstation Store is the only sales platform for console users, which limits the possibilities of free competition.
The case of Epic Games, the developer of fortnite, v. Apple there are similarities with the Sony case. The focus here was also on the 30 percent commission that Apple charges from providers in its App Store.
Epic Games was not satisfied with this rule and developed a way to bypass Apple’s payment systems when users wanted to purchase in-game items. This allowed Epic Games to avoid paying commission to Apple, at least in the short term.
However, this workaround led to Apple fortnite Banned from its store Epic Games then filed allegations of unfair competition against Apple, but were unsuccessful on most counts in court.
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