The Catapult is one of the new Pokemon raids.
While the first Liberlo Raid, in which you can learn about the starter evolution of the eighth generation, has just ended, new Tera Raid events have already been announced in the coming days. These are the exclusive Crimson and Crimson Pokémon versions. (Through player)
Announcing the new Tera Raids game for Pokémon Crimson / Crimson
The date and time of the raids
- Raids begin: Friday, January 6, 2023 at 1:00 AM
- The end of the raids: Monta, Jan 9, 2023 at 00:59 pm
The event increases the probability of obtaining a Pokémon during a Terra Raid Triceps or catapult Face with a level of 4 or 5 stars. The type of Pokemon you encounter more often depends on your version. However, both of them can possess all Tera types and special abilities.
In this article, we have summarized what terra invasiveness, the types of terra mentioned, and associated terra crystallization are all about:
Pokémon Crimson / Crimson
This is crystallization and this is how it works
Pokémon raid: Hydreigon and Dragapult
The two Pokemon are a regular part of Paldea Dex. Which one you come across depends on your version.
- Triceps It is the fifth generation of Dark/Dragon Pokémon that evolved from Kapuno and then Duodino. It’s a Crimson exclusive Pokémon.
- Catapult He is from the eighth generation and is a Dragon/Stealth type. It is Grudgedra’s third evolutionary stage and is exclusive to Pokémon Crimson.
Here you can look at the crystallization of the two Pokemon:
Link to Twitter content
As mentioned earlier, the first Tera Raid event for Liberlo has just ended. If you miss out, you can still strike out for the second date. More information about the Liberlo Raid can be found here. You can also see a full overview of all current Tera Raid events here.
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