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Power Express – Audi can build electric car factory in China

Power Express – Audi can build electric car factory in China

INGOLSTADT / CHANGCHUN (dpa-AFX) – VW . Engine The Audi subsidiary is allowed to build a new electric vehicle factory in China. Volkswagen subsidiary Volkswagen in Ingolstadt announced on Wednesday, after approval by the Chinese authorities, that construction of the plant in Changchun will begin soon and be completed by the end of 2024. At the joint plant with Chinese partner FAW, Audi wants to produce 150,000 good electric cars annually.

Initially, three models were planned based on the PPE platform, which Audi is developing together with Porsche. “It will start with an electric SUV and an electric sedan,” Audi said. In addition to the press workshop, body fabrication workshop, painting workshop and assembly line, the factory will also have its own battery assembly line.

Markus Dussmann, president of Audi, said the new plant plays “a central role in China’s four-ring electrification strategy”. Last year, Audi sold 1.68 million cars. Including 701,000 in China – down 3.6 percent from the previous year. Audi explained this with the semiconductor bottleneck for domestically produced vehicles, but also with gaps in automobile networks. Chinese customers also wanted to be able to chat or pay in the car. /roll/DP/jha

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