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Premiere of “Friedriche” in Baden:: An evening of many colorful accents

Premiere of “Friedriche” in Baden:: An evening of many colorful accents

take a shower. In their first work at the Baden Theater, Ulrike Reinhard and Hanna-Sophie Steiskal conjured up a poetic and enchanting stage design for “Friedrich.” “A historical black-and-white postcard from the village of Sissenheim around 1770 was the basis for our idea,” says Steskal. The female duo also designed the (sometimes bizarre) costumes (which went well with Herbert Steinbock and Verena Sheetz). It was also performed poetically and colorfully on opening night. “Our design fits our idea,” says Stejskal.

Nice guidance ideas

Director Peter Lund gave the plot of the tragic love story between Goethe and the daughter of the priest Friedrich an additional temporal layer and for this purpose he also created a magical puppet dance (of his own production, by the way!).
In his premiere speech, theater director Michael Lackner celebrated Goethe’s actor Klemens Kirschbaumer as a “resurrected Fritz Wunderlich”, famous for, among other things, the play’s most famous aria, Oh Daughters, Daughters. For Lackner, Dominika Radlmeier is the “incredibly graceful” Friederike with a “wonderful timbre.”

There is no happy ending for women

The operetta ends tragically: Friederike abandons her true love and allows Goethe to move to Weimar, where he becomes famous. There was no happy ending for the Buffalo couple either: Frederik’s sister Salomea (Teresa Graebner) abandoned her zany Linz (Ricardo Frenzel Budisch) and stayed with her strict doctor Weyland (Oliver Baer, ​​who played a total of four acting roles) – the fates of women in Goethe’s time.
The production provided the premiere audience with some material for discussion.
The show is scheduled to continue until March 5th.

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Responsible for stage and costumes: Ursula Reinhard on the right, and Hanna-Sophie Steskal on the left.  Her first design was adapted from her work on stage.  |  Photo: Gabriela Stockman
Oliver Baer had the leading acting role that evening - he was alternately a Faustian burlesque, a Welland, a Sibylle, and a Duke Auguste |  Photo: Gabriela Stockman