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Presentation – colorful program of the Purkersdorf Cultural Summer

Presentation – colorful program of the Purkersdorf Cultural Summer

“Music and culture are very important to us,” emphasizes city mayor Stefan Steinbichler at the presentation of this year's summer cultural program at the Burkersdorf Theater. With free admission, you can attend eight events in four different locations from the end of June to mid-August. The spectrum ranges from rock to soul, rhythm and blues to popular classics and children's concerts.

“We have been preparing the program for about a year. “There are wonderful people working in the background so that we can put on such a show,” praises City Councilor for Culture Waltraud Frotz. But before she gets into the summer cultural program, she points to other cultural points. “She emphasizes that “ The cultural summer in Purkersdorf actually begins on June 21 with the play “The Wizard of Oz” presented by the Purkersdorf Theater. There will also be a summer cinema from July 19 to 21, and the traditional Jacobimarkt will take place on July 27.

The actual summer cultural program finally begins on Saturday 22 June, with the grand opening in the main square. JCG feat. Christiane Grohr, three brothers from Pressbaum, will warm up the audience at 7.30pm before the legendary Schottelfrost band from Purkersdorf will be heard with a new line-up at 8.30pm.

Two weeks later, on Saturday, July 6, the show continues with “The Stonez,” a Rolling Stones cover band. They will be performing The Rolling Stones' greatest hits from 7:30pm on the Purkersdorf stage. And just one day later, on Sunday 7 July, there will be a hands-on concert for children in the castle garden at 5:30pm.

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On July 19, Roman Gregory will perform at the Purkersdorf Theater at 7:30 p.m. You can hear new songs from his album “Wödscheibm” as well as old classics from his “Alkbottle” days.

On Thursday, July 25, Clemens Schaller and Nastia Isabella's home match will take place on stage at 7:30 p.m. They appeared on stage together for the first time at the city's 55th anniversary celebration two years ago and were sure that this would not be a one-time event. As part of the Summer of Culture, they will perform on stage famous songs from all musical genres, called “Green”.

And one day later, Friday, July 26, blues and rock fans will get their money's worth when Rudi Pepper will perform at the Wienerwaldgasthof Klugmayer at 7:30 p.m.

The show continues on August 10 with the Vienna Ladies on the Purkersdorf stage, where you can hear the sounds of soul and rhythm and blues, before the group “R.ock In P.eace” plays songs by artists who died on August 17 or artists who have passed away. No longer on stage he will perform on stage.

“A big thank you also goes to Karl Takats, who always plays a key role in selecting artists,” says Steinbichler. In all, municipal officials expect about 2,000 to 3,000 visitors. Admission to all events is free.