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Presentation of the program of the sports finals in Graz

Presentation of the program of the sports finals in Graz


The Austrian Sports Finals will be held in Graz for the second time from 16-19 June. The program has now been introduced: 28 sports federations will hold state championships, and 6,000 active athletes are expected to approach.

The Sport Austria finals were held for the first time last year, at the time under strict conditions due to the coronavirus. This year’s goal is to attract sports fans from all over Styria to Graz and offer a variety of sports in one place.

More attention

A total of 28 sports federations are in their prime, according to Sport Austria president Hans Nissl: “These Austrian sports finals were a huge success last year with 4,500 athletes, and now there are 6000. We are also looking forward to the fact that spectators will be possible again.” – More on this in Austrian Sports Finals: 6000 active participants in Graz (4/25/2022).

At Tuesday’s press conference, Sports Minister Werner Kogler (The Greens) emphasized the advertising value of lesser-known sports: “The idea is great that if you focus on this concept, you will get much more attention to that concept and so all individual sports benefit from it.”

example of encouragement

One of the sports that picks up their home state champions in Graz is cheerleading – it recently stunned Austria with a world title. Cheerleader Magdalena Brambock said: “There is a noticeable improvement, on the one hand, we realize that by the fact that we have hundreds of registrations for the national team 2023. But we also note the interest in general, including the audience, to be there live in the cheerleading tournament. ” The cheering will take place at Eishalle Liebenau – one of the 23 venues of the Sport Austria Finals from June 16-19 in Graz.

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