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PricewaterhouseCoopers Germany signs with former Sparkas Board representative, Cologne Bonn | Heads | 01/06/2021


Andreas Wagner

© PricewaterhouseCoopers

Andreas Wagner has been working to strengthen the banking and capital markets sector in PwC Germany since June 2021. The expert is significantly expanding the field of bank management work for banks and savings banks. Wagner hails from Sparkas, Colin Boone, where he was most recently responsible for running the bank as a division manager and board representative. His expertise lies primarily in combining issues of risk control and financial control with banking supervision requirements. The Big Four law firm will inform you of these employees by mail.

“Initiate and accompany changes at an early stage, this is the task of the general management of the bank. To keep financial risks and indicators under control, you need specialized knowledge, good methods and tools and a certain instinct. The vast experience of the PwC network. Our goal is not only to be driven by different requirements, but to be able to shape the future. ” (Aa)

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