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Prince Harry faced problems with British citizenship tests

Prince Harry faced problems with British citizenship tests

According to his wife, Duchess Meghan, son of British King Prince Harry, was unable to answer some questions in the British naturalization test.

“This citizenship test is very difficult,” the 41-year-old said on Tuesday’s episode of her podcast Prototypes. “I studied for her and I remember thinking ‘Oh my God.'”

Then she asked her husband Harry (38 years) for help. “He was saying, I have no idea,” Megan said in a conversation with actress Pamela Adlon (“Bumblebee”).

Separation from the royal family

In 2017, the British royal family announced the engagement of US-born Meghan to Harry, the youngest son of the current King Charles III. At the time, the royal family announced that the former actress (“Suits”) would accept British citizenship. In 2020, Meghan and Harry resigned from their royal duties and moved to the United States. According to media reports, Megan abandoned her efforts to obtain a British passport at the time. Didn’t comment on this in the podcast.

Meghan and Sophie Trudeau were kidding like schoolgirls

The 41-year-old also speaks with Sophie Trudeau (47), wife of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in the new episode. Megan tells how they spent a day off with their children in the summer. “It wasn’t the day when we were wives and mothers in modern clothes, jewelry and demure smiles,” Meghan said.

“This was the other version of us: with wild curly hair and bathing suits and baggy clothes and laughing until our stomachs hurt, lots of snuggling with our little children and soft feminine whispers in the yard, like goofy schoolgirls.” “We had a lot of fun,” Meghan confirmed.

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Meghan said that with the episode “Good Wife/Bad Wife, Good Mother/Bad Mother”, she wants to shed light on how women are emerging from role models in society.