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Prince William’s bizarre trick of staying calm during speeches

Prince William’s bizarre trick of staying calm during speeches

What many people don’t know: Prince William Nearsightedness. In a documentary two years ago, the heir to the British throne revealed that he really needed glasses. However, William left it in the past – especially when he had to give speeches. The benefit of his poor eyesight was that it helped him overcome his ardor.

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William removes his contact lenses before speaking

Instead of glasses, the British royal family prefers contact lenses in everyday life. However, he has an unusual habit when it comes to important speeches: Prince William takes out his contact lenses when he gives public speeches.

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In the BBC documentary Football, Prince William and Our Mental Health, the father-of-three honestly reveals why this trait helps him stay calm while giving speeches.

“As I got older my vision started to deteriorate a bit and I didn’t wear contact lenses to work so I couldn’t see anyone’s face when I was talking,” Prince William revealed. “And that helps because you can only see the faded faces and because you can’t see anyone looking at you.”

As a result, William found that he was less stressed. “I couldn’t see the whole room,” he said, “and that really helped relieve my anxiety.”

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