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Psychology: 4 sentences you should say instead of “It's okay”

Psychology: 4 sentences you should say instead of “It's okay”

4 phrases you can say instead of “It's okay.”

You can learn tips on how to better express your feelings in video.

“It's okay,” is the sentence that often comes out of our mouths when we just want to ignore a topic. But expressing yourself more clearly can be beneficial for both you and the person you're talking to. In the video you will learn four phrases that may be a good alternative.

“It's okay” usually means a lot more than those three words. This often hides disappointment or frustration due to the misbehavior of others or things in life that did not go according to plan. But we are usually afraid to express it openly. Why actually? It would be therapeutic to honestly say how we feel. It will also make it easier for the other person to understand us and our feelings better.

Learn how to skillfully put your feelings into words

In the video we will tell you which formulas you can use instead to fairly express your feelings. This can make it easier for others to understand how you feel about certain things — without feeling attacked.

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