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Psychology: 5 things successful people don’t waste time on

Psychology: 5 things successful people don’t waste time on

There are countless things we can spend our time on – not easy to keep track of. You can read here how successful people manage to never lose sight of their goals and the things they kept out of their lives in the first place.

Success can mean very different things to different people: for some people, success means excite or entertain other people, and for others it means having a lot of money, power, or both. Some people associate success with leaving unmistakable traces in the world or its history, while others strive to glide through life as calmly and indiscriminately as possible. Success is always linked to our individual goals, so the way to achieve it varies from person to person. This, in turn, means that the amount of time we spend reading, exercising, or social media each day says nothing about how successful we are. However, the following are usually more time consuming than effective on any path, no matter how we define success.

5 things successful people don’t usually do

1- Regret the mistakes of the past

Once done, we can’t undo it. Regretting it and thinking about it with an “Oh, I should have…” approach costs time and energy, but usually brings relatively little. Anger and regret are reasonable emotions because they show us what we wish for (in a different way). But if it only resulted in regret, it would be of little use.

Successful people see mistakes – which they become aware of through their anger or regret – as primarily information, which is often especially valuable. From this, they glean ideas that can help them further and help them now and in the future. This, in turn, applies not only to the mistakes you made yourself, but also to the mistakes of other people: successful people rarely hold grudges. They are usually good at forgiving, both to themselves and to those around them.

2. Repeat mistakes

Albert Einstein is said to have said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.” It may be easy to agree with this, but it is often very difficult to incorporate this wisdom into one’s actions. Because many of our thoughts, feelings, and actions represent patterns that we have internalized, we usually cannot simply stop mistakes. It often takes multiple tries and strong willpower to change ingrained patterns of misbehavior—assuming we even notice.

Successful people identify their own patterns of behavior and thinking no less than others—but they are often better at hacking through them and freeing themselves from them. They observe themselves and their behavior, and collect information that can help them change something: In what cases do I make this mistake? How am I in these situations? What is the alternative behavior I want from myself? What could make it easier for me to try next time? Successful people usually handle mistakes thoughtfully, carefully, and calmly. This means that they do not regret them excessively, learn a lot from them, and repeat it less than others.

3. Strive for perfection

Diligence, attention to detail, the will and discipline to get things done – these are all qualities that are usually important for achieving goals and being successful. However, being able to recognize when enough is enough and when additional investments (of time, energy, or the like) may not be worthwhile is just as important.

Successful people do whatever it takes to get where they want to go. no longer. If they go into a creative frenzy and lose themselves in the work, they may put the brakes on themselves once they get to the point where it doesn’t make any more difference—unless the meaning of their work is to have fun and do it by itself. . Successful people know that absolute perfection is unattainable and possibly an illusion, and because they always set realistic goals, they never strive for them.

4. Worrying about something they can’t control

As human beings, we can think about a lot: about the past and the future, about reality and the wide variety of possibilities, about ourselves and about others. There are quite a few who are tempted to worry about too much. Particularly well-known children’s problem among those mentioned: the future, a wide range of possibilities and other people. However, we can influence all of these areas only to a limited extent – and perhaps this is what makes them the endless hotbeds of anxiety that they are for some people.

Successful people consciously focus on what they can – or should – influence. They plan where it makes sense, prepare for various situations where they get more than costs, value their relationships and stay true to themselves in their dealings with others. What they cannot change with their behavior, they admit without being tormented by it.

5. Compete with others

Comparing yourself to others is normal for most people. And measuring yourself against them is a great temptation to many, and the reason for that is that we always feel the need for clarity. Measuring ourselves against others and putting ourselves in relation to them gives us direction and a sense of security and order. On the other hand, we can easily get distracted from our goals—because we can’t see how far we’ve come on our individual path in comparison to, or even in competition with, others.

Successful people are usually good at differentiating themselves from others. When they compare themselves to their fellow human beings, they do so primarily in an investigative manner: they look at differences and similarities, see alternative perspectives to their own and realize many things that would remain hidden from them if they were completely focused on themselves. However, they always keep their course and pace.

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