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Psychology: Are people right with their first impressions?  – Knowledge

Psychology: Are people right with their first impressions? – Knowledge

People decide whether or not someone is trustworthy when they first look at the other person’s face. Unfortunately, researchers have often found that they are wrong.


Sebastian Hermann

In the end, different forms of the sentence can be heard, made with different degrees of remorse. Representatives of Germany’s top political officials admitted that they were wrong about him, and this was accompanied by the fact that it was a great surprise. As if no one could guess that the ruler in the Kremlin, who, of course, is at stake here, should be evaluated with the greatest caution. Looking back, the manner in which the man in Moscow was treated seems very naive, as if his credibility was judged less on the basis of his actions and more on the basis of impression. She was devastating, but human. This is how it works in everyday life, at least in the absence of any information: whoever meets a stranger for the first time makes his judgment automatically. Within milliseconds, it becomes clear whether this person seems nice, attractive, controlling, or trustworthy. Unfortunately, even in these cases, the verdict is at best a coincidence.

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