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Psychology: What your eating habits reveal about your personality

Psychology: What your eating habits reveal about your personality

This is what your eating habits reveal about your personality

Here's what your eating habits reveal about you: a woman holds a bouquet of balls in her hand.

© bodiaphvideo / Shutterstock

How does it look on your plate? The answer to this question can be very revealing. Your eating habits reveal a lot about your personality.

There are people who eat their meal in a matter of minutes and there are others who take their time. But it’s not just the speed that characterizes the different types of eating, the order and the way they unload their dishes is also very meaningful. If you look closely, you will learn a lot about the person who eats. Do you want to know what your eating habits reveal about your personality? Here comes the classification of those who eat.

What your eating habits reveal about your personality

1. Normal

Should everything be in order on your plate? Do you hate mixing vegetables a lot with rice? If these things are very important to you in terms of food, you will probably insist on doing things “right” for the rest of your life as well. And “correct” in this case means: exactly the way you want it. So you can be a little inflexible sometimes. At the same time, you are a loyal soul that friends and family can always count on.

2. Blenders

Before you start eating, mix everything together on your plate because it tastes better that way. You are extroverted, flexible and talented at multitasking. However, sometimes you overdo it because you tend to start all kinds of new projects but then give up somewhere along the way.

3. Picky ones

Similar to arranged foods, you also pay close attention to what’s on your plate and where – but because you don’t like a lot of food you can better isolate it that way. You are perfect and inquisitive. You always want to know exactly everything! And then, of course, you have a very detailed opinion about it.

4. Detail lovers

Do you love it when the hip restaurants are beautifully and attractively presented on Instagram? Then you’re probably one of those aesthetic eaters who literally eat with their eyes. Concepts of planning and creativity are your strengths. They are very detailed in every way – and very reliable. But sometimes you can’t see the forest for the noisy trees.

5. Impatience

When it comes to eating, one thing is especially important to you: it doesn’t take much time. For you, meals are purely food that is eaten to provide energy for the body and mind. Just as efficiently and quickly as you eat, you will probably do the same for the rest of your life. You are always (higher) meticulous, meet every deadline and usually have everything in mind. But sometimes it just won’t hurt to stop for a moment and take a deep breath. a. away from the place. Not that hard, is it?

6. Experts

Take your time. This applies to food as much as it applies to other things in life. Good things take time – that’s your motto in all situations. For you, quality clearly comes before quantity. However, from time to time your partner can:e be a little annoyed with the time everything is always with you.

7. Adventure

No “good taste” not with you? You will probably try whatever comes your way in terms of (literally) unusual food. Whether it’s insects, chicken feet, or other specialties your companion doesn’t often touch with pliers. The crazier and more fun you are, the more spontaneous and willing you are to take risks. You get bored easily in everyday life and therefore you are always looking for a new adventure.

8. Slapping

If you like food, others can hear it too! You hit, drink, and chew as loudly as it feels right to you. You enjoy food with all your senses – and pay hardly any attention to your environment. Because you really don’t care what other people think of you.

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